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Team points

Game: Quest
Game format: Team
Place: 4
Standard points for place: 35
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Итого: 35 points
Формула расчета очков:
Очки = H * КС * АКС
Details >>>
Points distribution

ID Rank Gender User Points
#132928 Games Author Male KoIIIaK 1.61 points
#36403 Lieutenant Female Victoria Victorovna 1.59 points
#39649 Major Male Archmage 1.59 points
#106776 Games Author Female ВарENик 1.59 points
#117790 Senior lieutenant Male Tehas 1.59 points
#135072 Lieutenant colonel Female Злая Выхухоль 1.59 points
#139844 Games Author Male -5M- 1.59 points
#166339 Games Author Male Сода 1.59 points
#168110 Lieutenant Male D.J 1.59 points
#201751 Sergeant Male Юдж 1.59 points
#206590 Senior lieutenant Male Бендер Родригез 1.59 points
#207177 Lieutenant Male a42cat 1.59 points
#213892 Lieutenant Male simple17 1.59 points
#1286881 Captain Unknown CRO 1.59 points
#1291679 Junior lieutenant Female Uryadinka 1.59 points
#1308829 Lieutenant colonel Male Josef_Salvat 1.59 points
#1359671 Lieutenant Male DrDim764 1.59 points
#1387390 Senior sergeant Female Елена25 1.59 points
#1405866 Games Author Male JekaFST 1.59 points
#1416389 Games Author Male just_vinny 1.59 points
#1419595 Private soldier Female Мыш@ 1.59 points
#1420177 Lieutenant Female Lily_Cats 1.59 points






3/6/2025 12:24:04 PM
(UTC +3)
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