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Team points

Game: Quest
Game format: Team
Place: 3
Standard points for place: 40
The game complexity factor: 0.56
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Итого: 22.4 points
Формула расчета очков:
Очки = H * КС * АКС
Details >>>
Points distribution

ID Rank Gender User Points
#91279 Games Author Male Heckfy85 1.44 points
#5784 Lieutenant colonel Male RomChe$ko 1.31 points
#24189 Senior sergeant Male kshnurov 1.31 points
#46721 Lieutenant Female Lust 1.31 points
#61556 Games Author Male FuckIR 1.31 points
#84122 Senior lieutenant Male KpeBeDko 1.31 points
#108674 Captain Male дядя Егор 1.31 points
#126739 Major Female nadlooshi 1.31 points
#147620 Lieutenant Female Pionika 1.31 points
#156942 Major Male Tosha_viRUS 1.31 points
#156947 Major Female NATALIYA-MIRACLE 1.31 points
#168321 Games Author Male DEd_MONro 1.31 points
#213539 Lieutenant Male Ost78 1.31 points
#213769 Captain Female DashИК 1.31 points
#213868 Lieutenant Female Marikа 1.31 points
#247379 Junior lieutenant Female kobrenysh 1.31 points
#378677 Senior lieutenant Male zorring 1.31 points






3/14/2025 7:02:10 PM
(UTC +3)
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